Stephen Hawking
Science means knowledge. It is the study of the nature and behaviour of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them. It can be split into three strands: biology, chemistry and physics
At Willow Tree, we believe that all children have the right to leave school with a curiosity of the world. We believe that Science is interactive and we aim for children to investigate the world around them in a logical and scientific way. We encourage all children to observe the world around them, ask questions, carry out, analyse and evaluate their investigations.
We believe that Science is:
Adults make Science fun and exciting and promote curiosity and wonder about the world around us.
Children participate and learn through hands-on experiences including outdoor provisions.
Children are encourage to talk about Science with the aid of visual prompts using Scientific vocabulary in a confident manner.
Science taught has foundations in real-life so children can use and apply their knowledge and understanding of the world around them.
Children will be taught that there are many different areas of Science, which scientists work in and that they can strive to work in that area when they are older.
At Willow Tree, we want all children to be naturally curious about the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to think scientifically. We also want children to gain an understanding of the uses and implications of Science today and for the future.
Scientific learning happens from Nursery through to Year 6.
In Early Years the children do not study specific Science topics; instead, teachers lay the foundations for future scientific learning. Our EYFS curriculum achieves this by building in opportunities for the pupils to:
The foundation of scientific learning is working scientifically, which is embedded throughout all areas of learning. Children will be encouraged to ask a question and have a good understanding of how to answer it. They will be able to choose appropriate equipment to set up tests, make careful observations and present their data in different ways. They will be encouraged to look for similarities and differences in their results with the emphasis on using scientific language and evidence.
How is the curriculum delivered?
Our Science curriculum is high quality, well thought out and planned to demonstrate progression.