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Use the drop down menu below to see the names and faces of Willow Tree Governors.



Governor Details

Current Governors
Pecuniary Interests
Name Governor Type Term of Office
Mrs Rosalind Munro Headteacher 01/11/2014
Mrs Sarah Hicks Parent Governor 21/05/23 - 20/05/27
Mr Chris Lane Co-opted Governor 20/11/22 - 19/11/25
Mrs Beth Myring Co-opted Governor (Chair of Governors) 26/03/22 - 25/03/25
Mrs Ellen Stephenson Parent Governor 24/04/21 - 23/04/25
Mrs Karen Lyons Staff Governor  (Observer) 23/11/18 - 22/11/22
Mrs Victoria Scholes Staff Governor 24/01/23 - 23/01/26
Ms Mariam Barake Co-opted Governor 25/09/24 - 24/09/28
Name of Governor Details of specific roles held on GB Committee membership Has signed the register Details of any conflicting interest
Mrs R Munro   Buildings & Finance
School Effectiveness
Yes NA
Mr C Lane   Buildings & Finance
School Effectiveness
Yes No beneficial interests but Pastor of
Langworthy Community Church
Mrs B Myring Safeguarding/ Child Protection Buildings & Finance
School Effectiveness
Yes No beneficial interests but
Manager of the Lifecentre
Mrs V Scholes  

Buildings & Finance
School Effectiveness

Yes n/a

Attendance at Governor Meetings

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2023-2024

Governor   Finance and Buildings 27/09/2023



School Effectiveness


Finance and Buildings


Staffing 8/5/2023

School Effectiveness






School Effectiveness


Mrs Beth Myring Chair of Governors Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Ros Munro Headteacher Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Sarah Hicks Parent Governor Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N
Mr Chris Lane Co-opted Govenor N N N N N N N N N
Mrs Victoria Scholes Staff Governor Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Ellen Stephenson Paren Governor N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mr Wayne Whitling LA Governor Y N Y NS NA NA NA NA NA

Attendance at Full Governing Board Meetings 2023-2024

    Autumn Full Governing Board meeting 16th November 2023 Spring Full Governing Board meeting 21st March 2024 Summer Full Governing  Board meeting 27th June 2024
Mrs Beth Myring Co-opted Governors Y Y Y
Mrs Ros Munro Headteacher Y Y Y
Mrs Sarah Hicks Parent Governor Y Y Y
Mr Chris Lane Co-opted Governor Y N N
Mrs Victoria Scholes Staff Governor Y Y Y
Mrs Ellen Stephenson Parent Governor Y Y Y
Mrs Karen Lyons Deputy Headteacher      
Mr Wayne Whitling LA Governor NS NA NA

Attendance at Governor Meetings 2022-2023

Finance and Buildings, Staffing, School Effectiveness Committee Meetings

F & B C = Finance and Buildings Committee, S C = Staffing committee, S E C = School Effectiveness Committee

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent, ? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required.

  Finance and Buildings     Staffing     School Effectiveness    
Governors 28/09/2022 08/02/2023 10/05/2023 28/09/2022 08/02/2023 10/05/2023 05/10/2023 15/10/2023 10/05/2023
Mrs S Hicks Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mr C Lane N N N N N N N N Y
Mrs K Lyons Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N
Mrs R Munro Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs B Myring Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs E Stephenson Y Y N N N Y Y N Y
Mr W Whitling N N N N N N N N N
Mrs V Scholes N/A N Y N N Y N Y Y

Attendance at Full Governing Board Meetings 2022 - 2023

Full Governing Board Meetings
Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent, ? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required.

Governor 09/11/2022 22/03/2023 21/06/2023
Mrs S Hicks Y    
Mr C Lane Y    
Mrs K Lyons Y    
Mrs R Munro Y    
Mrs B Myring Y    
Mr L Sanga Y    
Mrs E Stephenson Y    
Mr W Whitling Y