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Welcome to Reception!

Find out what your child will be learning this academic year. 


The adults that will support the learning in Reception this year are: Miss Llewellyn, Mrs Greene, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Healey, Mr Davenport, Miss Dillon and Miss Layton. The children in Miss Llewllyn's class are known as RL and Mrs Greene's class are known as RG. During the day the children have the opportunity to access all areas of learning across both classroom areas and will soon become familiar with all the adults. During focussed group activities they may be taught by any of the adults in Reception.

Early Years Curriculum

At this stage, our main focus is learning through play and ensuring the children settle back into school feeling happy, safe and confident. We plan fun activities inside and outside for the children to develop skills, concepts and knowledge. We encourage children to explore and find out about the World around them and answer their questions as they arise. Important social skills are developed e.g. turn-taking, sharing and communication through the activities that the children choose. Physical development is a key aspect of the curriculum and usually takes place outside in all weathers. Children need a warm waterproof coat with a hood and sensible black shoes, they can fasten themselves. We like to work closely with families as you know your children best and what interests them most.

Developing Reading

Developing early reading skills and phonics is a priority in Reception. Early concepts about print e.g. pointing to words left to right; knowing the difference between a letter, a word and a sentence are key to reading success. Each child has their own reading book to share at home which they need to bring in every day. We encourage parents to spend at least five minutes a day reading at home and talking about the book. Reading a book daily builds confidence and fluency.

We use the Read, Write Inc. scheme to teach synthetic phonics. More information can be found on where you can find support for pronouncing the letter sounds. As the children begin to learn the letter sounds they will bring home materials to support what they have done in school.