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Parents & Carers

This section provides parents with useful information about our school such as attendance, uniform, and the support we offer.

At Willow Tree we recognise that a strong partnership between parents and school plays a critical role in developing your child’s learning. As such, at Willow Tree we endeavour to support you in any way that we can. This page contains useful links that you may wish to use to support home learning and with advice on E-Safety for parents.


At Willow Tree Primary we want to make learning enjoyable and engaging. We do not see setting children hours of stand alone tasks to do after school and at weekends as being either enjoyable or engaging.

Children may be set challenges or investigations to engage in, but these will be based around their projects in school and will not be worksheet after worksheet.

However we would ask the following things:

  • Listen to your child read and talk to them about their books each night (10 minutes reading activity with Nursery and Reception, 15 minutes with Years 1 to 2 and 20 minutes Years 3 to 6.)
  • Practice your child's weekly Spellings and Tables. These are vital to giving them key skills they need to progress.
  • Follow your child's class on Twitter to see what they have been learning about during the day.