Welcome to Willow Tree Primary School. As you can see we are have a wonderful school building filled with wonderful children and staff. We welcome children from the ages of three through to the age of eleven.
We believe that a desire for life long learning starts with a good experience at school. With this in mind we are dedicated to giving children positive learning experiences that promote learning.
We believe that parents play a significant role in supporting their children's development and that we have a role in supporting parents. We are at the centre of our community, working together for a brighter future.
Willow Tree is a two form entry primary school situated in the Langworthy area of Salford. Children are welcomed into our nursery the September after their third birthday and remain with us until they are eleven. There are currently sixty places in each year group with two teachers. We are also fortunate in having a dedicated support staff team including learning support assistants, learning mentors and a parent support officer.