School Dinners

The School Day

The School Day


8:50am - 3:10pm = 31 hours and 40 minutes per week

Reception - Year 6:

8:50am - 3:20pm = 32.5 hours per week

School opening time is 08:40am:

Children are encouraged to come into school from 8:40am where they have a relaxed start to the school day, chatting to friends, reading a book or playing a game on one of our iPads. Registers are taken at 8:50am and close at 8.55am. After this time children are marked as late.

Break times are:

Children in KS1 have a break in the morning. The time varies dependent on the learning needs of each day.

Y3 & Y5 10:10 -10.30am.

Y5 & Y6 10.40-11.00am.

Lunch times are:

Year Group Times
EYFS (Nursery & Reception) 11.30am - 1.00pm
Year 1 Lunch 12.00pm - 12.30pm 
Year 2 Lunch 1.00pm -    1.30pm    
Year 3 Lunch 12.30pm -  1.00pm   
Year 4 Lunch 12.30pm -  1.00pm
Year 5 Lunch 12.00pm-   12.30pm
Year 6 Lunch 1.00 pm -    1.30pm


Dinner Plate

School closing times are:

Nursery 3.10pm.

Main School 3.20pm.

Children exit the building in a phased manner for health and safety reasons.


Assembly is held on Monday and Friday 9.00 - 9.30am.

Singing Practice is held on Wednesday morning 9.00 - 9:30am

School Meals Information

The Nursery and Reception children in our Early Years Unit all eat together in the school hall between 11.30am and 12 noon.

We operate a system where each table of eight children has an adult to serve their meal as in a family setting at home.

The children are gently encouraged to try new foods and the adult gets to know their likes and dislikes. As the children sit at the same tables, good relationships develop between the children and adults, who are teachers, teaching staff and lunchtime supervisors. This is a great opportunity to develop the conversational skills of turn-taking and speaking and listening as well as good table manners.

Children who are in Year 1 to 6 can either have a school meal or bring in a packed lunch. Children in Reception to Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free Meals this does not depend on household income. For children in Nursery, Year 3 to Year 6 school meals are £10.50 per week payable in advance. Follow the link for sample menu and information. A copy of the sample menu can also be downloaded on this page.

We have a cashless system in school to pay for school meals and trips. To register, log on to with the passwords and usernames issued by school. The system allows parents to make payments, order their child's meal and view balances safely and quickly.

Meals MUST be ordered at home by 8am on the day via parent pay. Parents can order dinners for a week in advance as long as they are in credit on their dinner account.  If you are in arrears the order will not go through.

If you are in receipt of benefits and are entitled to free school meals it is important to apply by ringing 0161 909 6508 between 8am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday or visit the Pendleton Gateway at 1 Broadwalk, Pendleton. This will also ensure your entitlement to free milk is recorded. Follow the link for more information.