Welcome to Year 4!
Find out what your child will be learning this academic year.
The adults working in Year 4 are Mrs Parry in Class 4P and Miss Worthington in Class 4W. The classes are supported by Mrs Harrison and Mrs Kotlowska.
We will be following Government guidelines by having an extra focus on Reading, Writing and Maths to support children’s learning. In the afternoons, the children will be continuing to be taught the Year 4 curriculum in Science, Art, Computing and PSHE, through the Jigsaw Programme. Later on in the year, we will begin to follow a project approach where the children will be learning about the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and famous landmarks in the USA.
Year 4 will be taking part in the Government Standardised Test for Times Tables. Please encourage your child to use their TT Rockstars or Purple Mash account whenever they have a spare 10 minutes.
At Willow Tree we are trying to create a love of reading, for you and your child to share. We want to allow the children more say on what, and when they choose to enjoy a book.
Children should read at least 4 times a week at home. Reading material will be sent home, however we do encourage children to read ANY book of their own choice that interests them. This can range from chapter books, picture books, and graphic novels to newspapers.
You can best support your child’s reading by enjoying a book together and asking questions to help your child understand what they are reading. Your teacher will provide reading questions if necessary.
Class Teachers will be asking children to provide feedback on the books they have read at home, this will form part of your child’s home learning. Please support us with this.
Later in the year, all children will have access to the school library.
We have weekly P.E. lessons so we recommend keeping kits in school so they are not forgotten. The P.E. kit is white t-shirt, black shorts and black trainers or pumps. Children can also wear black or navy blue joggings bottoms. P.E will be on a weekly rota so it is important children have their kits in school. We recommend children bring kits in on the first day of term and take them home to be washed the last day of term.