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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!
Find out what your child will be learning this academic year. 


We have 2 classes – Miss Connolly's class (1C) and Mrs Moss class (1M). Our Learning Assistants are Mrs Lysaght, Mrs Smith and Ms Bandeh. 

Key Stage 1

Year 1 is the first year of Key Stage 1 in Primary school. Information about the Year 1 curriculum can be found by following the links on this page.


We aim to ensure that the children have high quality and engaging experiences that support their learning and development. We encourage the children to be independent thinkers and learners by providing exciting and challenging learning opportunities. During the day children have time to work with a partner, within small groups as well as independently to complete challenges.


P.E. lessons take place once a week. Children are required to bring a P.E. kit into school in a draw string bag. These are sent home at the end of each half-term for the contents to be checked for size and for washing. Children are encouraged to undress and dress for these lessons themselves, support will be given if needed.

Playtime/Break Time

Morning break lasts for half an hour. All children play outside under staff supervision. Children are offered milk and a piece of fresh fruit. During wet playtimes, the children remain in their classrooms and activities are provided.


Children go with their teacher to the hall at 12:30 pm. All children have an allocated seat. They have a choice of meal each day. Parents can view their child’s choice by logging onto Parent Pay. Year 1 children are able to bring a packed lunch from home if they would prefer. If you wish for your child to have a packed lunch, please inform the office so they can notify the kitchen.

Reading / Home Learning

Homework is primarily reading. Reading books should be sent into school every day.

Developing reading skills and phonics is a priority. Early concepts about print e.g. pointing to words left to right; knowing the difference between a letter, a word and a sentence are key to reading success. Each child has their own reading book to share at home which they need to bring in every day. We encourage parents to read every day at home and talk about the book they have read. Reading a book daily builds confidence and fluency.

We use the Read, Write Inc. scheme to teach synthetic phonics and develop reading skills. More information can be found on www.oxfordowl.co.uk where you can find support for pronouncing the letter sounds.

Every 3 or 5 days (depending on the Read Write Inc. timetable) they will bring home the Read Write Inc book they have been working on in class and another story book that contains similar vocabulary. We kindly ask that you try to read every night. Children will also bring home other reading books from our schemes in school. Parents are asked to sign the green diary and add comments as appropriate.

Additional home learning activities may be sent home for your child to complete either to consolidate or to allow extra practise of learning that has been done in class in all curriculum areas.

Phonics Test

In line with national testing, Year 1 children will be required to take a Phonics Test in June. More information will be sent out nearer the time.

Your child is important to us and if you have any questions or queries about your child please come and speak to any member of the Year 1 Staff.