Willow Tree SEND Co-Ordinator is Mrs Claire Moore
Tel: 0161 921 2850
E-mail: willowtree.primaryschool@salford.gov.uk
Willow Tree Primary school recognises the definition of Special Educational Needs described in the Special Needs Code of Practise 2014
A child has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision made for them.
A child has a learning difficulty or disability if they:
Children are not considered to have a special educational need if they speak English as an additional language.
Our ethos is inclusive and we work hard with families and outside agencies to ensure the best possible educational outcomes for all of our children irrespective of their level of need.
Our aims are:
Children’s SEN are generally thought of in the following main areas:
Special Educational Needs are categorised in this way in order to enable school to plan provision accordingly.
Salford Council’s local offer explains the help that can be provided for a child with SEND and their family.
It covers information on things to do, information about getting around, health services, help to prepare for adult life or general support and advice.
View Salford City Councils Local Offer by clicking here.
If you have any queries regarding the SEND provision we offer please speak to the SENDCo, Mrs Moore, in the first instance.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan, you can contact Salford’s SEN team on 0161 778 0410.
SIASS is also a parental support service accessible to all parents and carers. SIASS are contactable on 0161 778 0343