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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2! 
Find out what your child will be learning this academic year.


The staff in Year 2 are: Mrs Young, Miss Preston and Miss Wilkinson, Mrs McGuinness, Mrs Franks and Miss Walker-Smith work with Year 2 to support learning across the curriculum.

Home Learning

Each half term, your child will receive a grid of different activities to choose from to be completed in their home learning books. These activities will link with what we have been learning in school and will help to deepen your child’s knowledge. Any help you can give your child to complete these activities would be fantastic.


Reading books are sent home with children every night and reading diaries should be signed by parents and returned the following day ready for the children to change their books each morning. If there are any issues with your child’s reading book, please let school know.

PE Kit

Our school PE kit consists of – white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps (or all black trainers). Year 2 PE is on a Thursday morning. Please ensure that your child’s PE kit is in a bag and that it has their name on all items of clothing and pumps.

Phonics Screening Check

As you may be aware, due to national school closures the current Year 2 children should have completed a phonics screening check in June 2020. This will now take place in the second half of the Autumn Term. If you have any questions or concerns please let your child’s teacher know.


In line with national testing, Year 2 children will be required to sit tests in Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Maths. Please do not book any holidays or take children out of school during the month of May. We will send you more information about this nearer the time.

Your child is important to us and if you have any questions or queries about your child please come and speak to any member of the Year 2 Staff.