Welcome to Year 6!
Find out what your child will be learning this academic year.
The staff in Year 6 are Miss Anderson, Mrs Moore, Miss Johnson, Mrs Lyons, Mrs Scott and Miss Wilkinson. We are all committed to providing exciting and fun learning experiences for the children.
Year 6 is an important and very exciting time for the children at Willow Tree. We plan a variety of learning experiences delivered by experienced staff, these are designed to prepare the children for SATs and high school and at the same time give our children access to a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.
Just like in high school, children will be expected to go to different adults for Maths, Reading and Writing. Project sessions are taught as a class group with the class teacher. To enable pupils to achieve their best, and ensure they are fully prepared for their SATs tests and the rigor of high school, your child may have extra interventions.
To support us in achieving a readiness for SATs and high school, we expect pupils to complete home learning tasks, which will be sent out as follows:-
Reading comprehension homework and Maths will be sent out on a Wednesday and will be expected to be returned on a Monday.
Independent reading books should go between school and home daily. It is expected that your child reads at least four times a week at home.
There are always opportunities during playtimes to complete work. Remember you and your child can always ask for support.
At Willow Tree we are trying to create a love of reading, for you and your child to share. We want to allow the children more say on what, and when they choose to enjoy a book.
Children have been given a reading journal to record their reading. This is to be completed by the children. Parents do not need to sign these journals, however we do still encourage you to listen to your child read. Reading journals will be monitored by the class teachers weekly to ensure children are keeping on top of their reading. Children should bring their reading books and journal home daily. The expectation is that children will read for at least 15 minutes on 4 occasions over the week. There will be time during the school day where they will be encouraged to read their books.
This year the children will have 1 or 2 PE sessions per week. These will be taught by both the class teachers and specialised PE coaches. Children will be required to ensure they have the correct PE kit in school on Monday and Friday. The P.E. kit is white t-shirt or house t-shirt, black shorts and black trainers or pumps. We recommend children bring kits in on a Monday, keep them in school for the week and take them home to be washed on a Friday.
During Year 6, the children have the opportunity to develop their social skills and responsibilities by voting and becoming a House Captain or School Council representative. These roles include supporting the Head Teacher in celebration assemblies, speaking to important visitors, running Class and School Council meetings and organising house and fundraising events. Our aim is to make your child’s final year at Willow Tree a productive and enjoyable experience.